Thursday, February 25, 2010

Android development environment update from SDK 1.5

I'm finally getting to releasing apps that have been sitting around. Then I thought it may be a good time to update my development environment. As of 30 min ago I used Android 1.5 on Eclipse 3.4. SDK v2.0.1 is now available.

Installing Android 1.5 was a originally a simple exercise. Everything went as outlined in the readme/howto documentation. That is a pleasant surprise for a development environment believe me. I typically find one or two things that require some additional tweaking, perhaps because of a hard coded path (Perl's install dirs without spaces come to mind, though thats also been a while), but 1.5 was a breeze.

Initial experience with the new SDK install scheme, with SDK Setup, wasn't as smooth. To be precise everything was smooth but the very start. Right off the bat I got the following error

That reads "URL: HTTPS SSL error occured trying to access the location".

The SDK docs mention flipping a setting in that same dialog to force HTTP. That didn't work for me even after restarting the application. I then found this solution: modify the androidtool.cfg. I know I didn't have a proxy problem and tbh I was a bit lazy to create the directory and modify the config file.

I then noticed the UI application is a java app spun off by a batch file. On the off chance that the environment doing a double-click didn't correspond to what a batch file would expect, I opened up a cmdline, cd to the tools folder and executed the batch file from there. After this the "force http" setting worked fine.

As I said that was a but a minor glitch and the rest was smooth sailing. I am up and running now with android 1.1, 1.5 and 1.6.

PS: I still suspect the original error with the HTTPS is due to the fact that the relevant cert wasnt/isnt in my keystore.

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